11th Annual SCOE CASCWA Workshop
"Building A Community of Learning Forward"
September 2, 2021 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM and
September 3, 2021 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM
presented by
Martin Petersen Event Center
720 12th St
Modesto Ca
Speakers include:
Danielle Jones: Self-Care as a Revolutionary Act: Creating the Best Version of Yourself.
Jennifer Johnson: Trauma and reengagement of students on campus/suggested strategies for returning to school on campus for both Teacher and Student.
Erica Petersen: School Innovations & Achievement
Fred Berry; “To Face Mask or not to Face Mask” REngagement through Transition.Amir Alavi - "All Hands-On Deck: Attendance Team Building Strategies"
Sherman Garnett and Associates
Sanger & Parlier Unified School District's "Model SARB Presentation"
Topics include:
Reopening, Independent Study, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Effective School Site Attendance Program, Effective SARB programs, Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Justice, Resiliency, Inter-Agency Partnership, and LCAP compliance.
To register for this event, please go to: https://cascwa.wildapricot.org/event-4449508
We are asking that a separate registration be completed for each registrant!
Hotel Information
DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton
1150 Ninth Street,
Modesto Ca 800-222-8733
Guests are now able to book their rooms by calling 1-800-TREE or by going online. CAS is the group code they need to provide to get the discounted rate.
Daily Room Rate $139.00 plus taxes, self-parking is $6.00.
Group Code: CAS deadline for group rate August 20, 2021
San Joaquin section is proud to bring forward this important workshop and and we hope that you will find the information presented to be meaningful to you and your district.
If you have any questions, please send an email to angelica.rios@fresnounified.org and she will initiate a reply.
For more information about CASCWA and this event, please go to www.cascwa.wildapricot.org.
We look forward to seeing you on September 2nd and 3rd.