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November 2024 

Dear Delta Sierra Members and Friends,

At the last Delta Sierra Section meeting on Monday, November 18, the Delta Sierra Section voted unanimously to request that Erica Peterson continue to work with the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento as our first choice for the State Conference in 2026. Erica is a tremendous resource for our Section to start preparing and planning for the state conference in 2026.

We also discussed the last State SARB meeting on November 21, and the critical contribution of Jennifer Gomeztrejo as the CASCWA representative to the State SARB. Jennifer Gomeztrejo has kept the Model SARB Recognition Program  alive by contributing her expertise and experience. On November 7, Jennifer led the Model SARB application webinar, and she will also lead the training for the volunteer reviewers of the applications before they are scored.

Also, at the last State SARB meeting, Jennifer provided three exemplary and diverse models of the SARB process for other members of the State SARB. Three outstanding professionals demonstrated how they managed their excellent SARB programs in very different local education agencies:

1. Lushandra Prioleau, Program Administrator for Long Beach Unified District's Safe and Supportive Schools Unit 

2. Diego Lopez, Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor from Sanger Unified School District.

3. Rol Egger, Director II, Grant Programs, at Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools.

All three of these educators are disseminating exemplary attendance practices which can greatly improve attendance and reduce dropout rates in different regions of the state.

David Kopperud, the current President of the Delta Sierra Section is recommending that all CASCWA members register on the CDE website for the next State SARB Zoom meeting on December 12, 2024, because the State SARB will be voting on four recommendations that would be pivotal in moving more districts and county offices in California to be more like Long Beach Unified, Sanger Unified, and the Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools:

1. Amending Education Code Section 49245 by eliminating the certification exemption for districts with an average daily attendance of less than 1,000 students and linking the certification requirement to the duties and interventions of supervisors of attendance found in Education Code Section 48240. The amendment would require the certification every other year and keep supervisors of attendance updated on any changes to the attendance laws.

2. Amending Education Code Section 47610 to require charter schools to follow the same compulsory education laws that apply to other public schools in California.

3. Begin the planning process for on-site validation of applicants to the Model SARB Recognition Program. This would enhance the Model SARB Recognition Program by enabling Model SARB Program reviewers to make actual visits to applicants and get more first-hand information about how the programs are actually functioning.

4. Review and revise the SARB Handbook using the diverse expertise for different subgroups at the CDE. The old handbook is out of date and a new handbook would enable the State Superintendent to comply with Education Code Section 48341 which states that the State Superintendent "shall prepare and disseminate to school districts and county superintendent of schools information regarding effective practices to improve pupil attendance."

After the December 12 State SARB meeting, the plan is to hold State SARB meetings on the third Thursdays of each month: February 20, May 15, August 21, and November 20, 2025.

One of the effective practices for attendance improvement that we have discussed in the Delta Sierra Section is the WhyTry program. I have attached a sheet showing how the WhyTry program aligns with the SARB program below.

The Delta Sierra Section is also moving forward with its Scholarship Program to benefit alternative education students who have overcome barriers to their education.


David Kopperud

Delta Section President

Thank you to ALL who attended our September 9, 2024 webinar on Student Resilience

We had over 30 attendees! Thank you to Tulare COE for sharing the great work you are doing. 

Get involved! Join  us for an upcoming Delta Sierra section meeting.

We meet via Zoom. Our upcoming Board dates are as follows: 

Monday, February 10th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

Monday, March 10th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

Monday, April 7th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

Monday, May 12th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

To get a copy of the Zoom Link email Kao Lee Vang at  

Upcoming events


                        No Cost Professional Development Workshop

                         *In Person Option limited to 40 attendees 

                         *Virtual Option is also available. 

                         Registration Link

                          View PDF Version of Flyer 


CASCWA's Delta Sierra Section Board

David Kopperud

Delta - President

CDE - Retired

Hector Molina

Delta - President Elect

Woodland USD - Retired

Dan Sackheim

Delta - Vice President

CDE Programs Consultant

Erica Peterson

Membership Chair

Education Consultant

Kao Lee Vang


Sutter County Superintendent of Schools

Lisa Sanchez


Woodland Joint USD

Joan Jeffery

Scholarship Chair

Shasta COE, Retired

Bonita Aytch

Member at Large

San Juan Unified, Retired

Virginia Bisby

Member at Large 

Sutter County Superintendent of Schools

Melissa Parrett

Member at Large

Delta - Past President 

Nevada County SOS

*Scholarship Launch - January 15, 2025*  Please share with eligible students! 

Click below for the link to the publication:

2023 California Laws Relating to Minors

For more information, please contact:


Maria Hwang de Bravo

Student Support Services Solutions, Inc.

(310) 753-2380

Sherman Garnett & Associates

Sherman Garnett and Associates is a state and nationally recognized trainer in the field of pupil services and has served/currently serves on numerous state and national committees.

Dr. Nancy Dome - Epoch Education

We’re leading the way in educating the multi-cultural leaders of the world tomorrow and now.

  K-12 Student Data Analytics & Family Communication | SchoolStatus

SchoolStatus provides a comprehensive suite of communication and attendance solutions that enhance educator-to-family connectedness and support student success. Instant insight into student information and district attendance trends gives educators and administrators full visibility into all levels of the education ecosystem. Data-informed, multi-touch communications include calling, texting, video, and print materials centered around proactive intervention that improves student outcomes and family engagement. With millions of successful school-home interactions, SchoolStatus is improving student achievement by facilitating meaningful engagement between educators, districts, and families across the U.S. For more information, visit

LACOE'S Home Page

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CASCWA Contact:

Dora Dome Law - Achieving Equity

Making schools a place where everyone can succeed!

California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance.  501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 879 Sanger Ca 93657

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