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CASCWA's San Joaquin Section President’s Message:

Greetings from San Joaquin Section!

Once again it is an honor to serve as the San Joaquin Section President in the new school year!

I hope you enjoyed your vacations and beat the heat of the central valley.   I was thankful to have enjoyed the cooler weather abroad and meet family! 

We welcome the new school year with great enthusiasm as the students return to school very soon.  I would like to thank our Board Members for their continued support and stepping up each and every time you are needed to assist at any professional development offered by our section.

We thank Dr. Kevin Torosian for his leadership as the State President as well as overseeing San Joaquin Section’s 2023-2024 affairs.  I appreciate your guidance in keeping us current with affairs all of CASCWA.   As the Scholarship Chair of the Anthony Brucia Scholarship, you continue to organize a great luncheon at the Pardini’s for the most deserving of students and their families and what a great success it was this year with 70 people in attendance.   I would like to congratulate all our recipients and those of you who were there to support their achievements.  I appreciate Ron Cuff and Janet Rowse from Safe Launch for their ongoing support and contributions allowing students opportunity to continue higher education.

 Johnny Gonzalez has served as our Section Treasurer and just took his work head on organizing the books.  I truly appreciate working with you and hope that while we are in transition that you will continue to assist us as needed. 

We welcome our new Treasurer, Carrie Albert, Assistant Superintendent, Sylvan Union School District, Stanislaus County.  We are excited to have you on board! 

As the short-term Executive Director of CASCWA, Sergio Mendoza tackled some challenges and was of great help to Bay Section delivering an amazing State Conference!  I would also like to thank Sergio for his expertise and support at all the events offered by San Joaquin Section.  Congratulate you on your new assignment and adventure! Sergio will continue to support San Joaquin Section.

San Joaquin Board is preparing for the 2 Day SCOE SARB/CASCWA Annual Attendance and Mental Health Workshop hosted by the Stanislaus County Office of Education in Modesto at the Martin G. Petersen Event Center.   We will offer Attendance Certification for all attendees upon completion of the 2-day workshop. 

Here is the link for you to share with your section members:

For those of you who will need overnight accommodation; here is the link for the Double Tree Hilton Modesto, CA :

We will share information on the Winter Workshop to be held at the CTE Center in Bakersfield on December 10th, 2024, in the next intercom of CASCWA.   Please mark your calendars.

Wishing you well as we enter into the 2024-2025 school year!

Sharma Uma

President San Joaquin Section of CASCWA

All scholarship winners: L to R:  Joe Brucia, Dulce Juarez, Ari Rangel, Janet Rowse, Elijah Berber, Ron Cuff, Alyssa Moreno, Julian Cuen, Kevin Torosian, Sharma Uma.

SafeLaunch Scholarship winners.  L to R:  Joe Brucia, DulceJuarez, Ari Rangel, Ron Cuff, Janet Rowse , Kevin Torosian

Anthony Brucia Scholarship Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024

The San Joaquin section of CASCWA held their annual scholarship awards luncheon on May 17, 2024, in Fresno CA.  Named in honor of Anthony Brucia, the late son of CASCWA legend Joe Brucia, the scholarship is given to students who have overcome major challenges and circumstances in life to graduate on time from high school and continue on with their education.

With over 70 people in attendance, scholarship co-chair and emcee Dr. Kevin Torosian welcomed everyone, followed by brief introductions of section members and a greeting from section President Sharma Uma. 

At the conclusion of a lovely meal enjoyed by all, Anthony Brucia Awards were presented to the following students:  Julian Cuen, Firebaugh HS (CSU, Fresno), Elijah Berber, Kings River HS (Reedley College), Alyssa Moreno, Hallmark Academy (Fresno City College), Tiana Contreras, Harmony Magnet Academy (UC Irvine), and Isabella Wyrick, Nipomo HS (Cal Poly).  The Anthony Brucia award is an immediate $1,000 scholarship, to be followed by additional awards of $1,000 per year for the next three years should the student remain enrolled and in good standing.

Additionally, Ron Cuff and Janet Rowse from SafeLaunch were in attendance to award two scholarships to recipients selected by them from our applicants whose lives have been touched by the effects of substance abuse.   SafeLaunch has made their generosity in scholarship awards available to every CASCWA section throughout the state and were gracious enough to attend to present scholarships to Ari Rangel, Parlier HS (Reedley College) and Dulce Juarez, Kingsburg HS (CSU, Fresno).

Special acknowledgments should go out to Sergio Mendoza, Scholarship Co-Chair, Johnny Gonzalez, Joe Brucia, Nuni Torres, Maisie Young, Sharma Uma and all the other members of the San Joaquin section who participated in the reading and scoring of applications.

San Joaquin Section:  Attendance Certification and Mental Health Training 9/1/2022

Great Job! Outstanding Workshop!  Words from Sharma Uma are below:

Click here for a copy of the workshop's final program

14th Annual SCOE & CASCWA

Attendance Certification and Mental Health Training Workshop

Click Here to Register:

Dates: August 29, 2024, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and August 30th, 2024, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Presented by: CASCWA San Joaquin Section & Stanislaus County Office of Education

Location: Martin Petersen Event Center 720 12th St. Modesto, CA 800-222-8733

Hotel Information: DoubleTree by Hilton, 1150 Ninth Street, Modesto, CA 800-222-8733

Please see the booking link for overnight guests' rooms. 


AGENDA: Clickable Link to Tentative Agenda 

(Subject to Change).

**We are asking that a separate registration be completed for each registrant!**

**San Joaquin section is proud to bring forward this important workshop and we hope that you will find the information presented to be meaningful to you and your district.**







The editors of the Intercom have asked each section to recognize for the Intercom one member of their executive board for their contributions to the CASCWA organization.  San Joaquin's Section has chosen Mr. Johnny Gonzales for this honor! 

Mr. Johnny Gonzalez a resident of Sanger, CA and the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance in the Sanger Unified School District.  

Johnny is our newly elected Treasurer of the San Joaquin section. We, much like the students of Sanger Unified, have had the privilege of benefiting from Johnny’s experiences growing up as a student in Sanger Unified and for the past 16 years giving back to the community by raising attendance awareness and meeting the needs of students. 

Johnny has had multiple roles during his time in Sanger, working as an After School Program teacher, substitute teaching, and coaching high school boys’ and girls’ basketball.  He later spent five years as an English teacher at Sanger High School and eventually took over as assistant principal.  His desire to work with students facing many challenges then led him to become the alternative education principal at Sanger Community Day School.  Three years later he had the honor and privilege to return to his old elementary school to become principal, and he now serves as the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.   

He has been involved in CASCWA as a member since his alternative education principal days 8-9 years ago.  Dr. Dennis Weichmann challenged him to learn the ropes before joining CASCWA, and he now has the honor of being the section’s treasurer.  

A highlight from last year and during the pandemic has been the enduring comradery between the members of the CASCWA San Joaquin section.  The following quote comes directly from Johnny:

“I was able to lean on the guidance of Nunie (Praxades Torres) from Parlier Unified, Sharma Uma from Stanislaus County Office of Education and Dr. Kevin Torosian who is newly retired and serves as the CASCWA State President.”

He writes to the Intercom:

“There was so much wealth of knowledge from them all that as my anxiety rose with whether or not I could do the job as CWA, they allowed me words of wisdom to take a day at a time.  For that teamwork, there are no more words that could be extended as gratitude other than saying thank you!”

The future of the San Joaquin section is in good hands with contributors and leaders like Johnny Gonzalez.


On behalf of the staff of the Intercom and all the webmasters, we wish to the leadership of the San Joaquin Section for starting off the 2021-22 school year with this excellent and important workshop!  The topics were relevant and the presenters were excellent.

On a personal note, we wish to thank Praxades Torres and the entire San Joaquin Section for their commitment to our CASCWA members and friends.

Their workshops and other activities are relevant to today's challenges in the world of child protective services!  

Keep up the great work!

The Faces Behind CASCWA's San Joaquin Executive Board

Sharma Uma


Stanislaus COE 

Praxades Torres

Past President

Parlier USD

James Tate

Vice President

Clovis USD, Retired

Carrie Albert


Sylvian USD

Maisie Young


Central USD

Patricia Clark

Member at Large

Stockton USD

Sergio Mendoza

Membership Chair

Burton School District

Roxanne Baeza

Legislative Representative

Fresno USD

April Meza

Board Advisor

Clovis USD

Dennis Wiechmann

Board Advisor

Sanger USD

Praxades Torres


Parlier USD

Robin Gainey

Board Advisor

Mojave USD

David Cohen

Board Advisor

Clovis USD

Johnny Gonzalez

Board Advisor

Sanger USD

Carrie Albert

Board Advisor

Sylvian USD

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Sherman Garnett and Associates is a state and nationally recognized trainer in the field of pupil services and has served/currently serves on numerous state and national committees.

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California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance.  501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 879 Sanger Ca 93657

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