Upcoming events
Resources for Districts regarding Student Immigration Statuses Additional Resources:
CASCWA Phil Kauble Southern Section Workshop Springs Charter School 43147 Business Park Drive Suite 103 Temecula, California 92590 Lessons from the Disenfranchised February 7, 2024 This Event is Free NEW Link - Click here to register: https://cascwa.wildapricot.org/event-6018720 |
There will be no charge for this event. CASCWA Southern Section has historically held a free event in the fall. It is important to Southern Section's Executive Board to continue with this tradition. Lessons from the Disenfranchised: How Storytelling can Improve our Work, Relationships, and Community Partnerships to Support Students TOPICS High Mobility Students Root Causes of Disproportionate Exclusionary Discipline The Impact of Your Inclusion and Equity Policies PRESENTERS CLICK HERE FOR BIO'S OF THE WORKSHOP PRESENTERS Susanne Terry, SDCOE, Coordinator for Homeless Education Elizabeth Bartholomew, RCOE, Director I Pupil and Administrative Services Maria Al-Shamma, OUSD, District School Worker | Our schools can greatly benefit from new strategies to engage students. This workshop will provide storytelling development for leaders to equip them to share stories about their students to inspire increased levels of support. CASCWA Southern Section has a history of hosting important workshops for our members and friends. Our workshops bring educators in the fields of student services to focus on important topics, to engage with others and to connect with other experts in our profession. Our CASCWA State Conference will soon be here in Garden Grove and we hope to see you there! If not, we hope to see you in the "Fall", when we host our next Fall workshop. The topic will probably focus on improving school attendance. A special thank you to Michelle Sapanara, Assistant Superintendent, Springs Charter School, for putting together this important workshop. For questions, please contact Aurora Mendoza Perry at: aurora.mendoza.perry@gmail.com Please share this workshop with others and we hope to see you this February in Temecula! |
On Friday, December 6th, The Los Angeles County Office of Education held their annual “Legislative Update.” Through out the year, our CASCWA Legislative Chairman, Sherman Garnett, does a great job of representing CASCWA at hearings and keeping us informed on pending bills and bills that are signed. LACOE’s annual event brings together the key staff members relevant to the legislation. They delivered a lengthy power point (slides included below) covering the main topics, description of the new laws and pertinent education codes. Dr. Sonya Smith is to be commended for putting together this excellent. The annual event is open to all in the fields of student services. All you need to do is to register. In addition to the presentation, LACOE has put together a publication entitled, “2024-5 Educator’s Guide to Legislative Update.” The publication is 306 pages, contains specific text of each bill and shows deletions on bill language. This publication is important to all in the fields of student services who are active in board policies and administrative regulations. CASCSA has taken the slides from the update and prepared a follow up to the event below. This includes contact information regarding this year’s publication. Please click below: LACOE 2025 Legislative Update.pdf |
CASCWA 2024 Section Awards
2024 CASCWA Bay Section Award Recipient Jazmin Brand Reyes | 2024 CASCWA Delta Section Award Recipient Jane Loomis | 2024 CASCWA San Joaquin Section Award Recipient Carrie Albert | 2024 CASCWA Southern Section Award Recipient Aurora Mendoza Perry |
2024 CASCWA State Lee Lundberg Award recipient Evelyn Ocasio For more information on the Lee Lundberg award and past section award recipients: CLICK HERE |
CASCWA'S "INTERCOMS" CASCWA is proud of the history of our organization that is preserved in the past editions of the Intercom! Click here to access past editions of the Intercom! |
Remembering Rich Davis
Rich Davis had been involved with the California Association of Supervisors Child Welfare and Attendance since 1969. He served as CASCWA State President, Southern Section Vice President, Northern Section President, and Delta Sierra President. After his retirement, he continued on the state board and is a virtual lifetime member. He made a peaceful transition surrounded by his family on August 17, 2024, three weeks short of his 99th birthday.
The Richard C. Davis Perpetual Scholarship was established by the Delta Sierra section of the CASCWA to recognize Mr. Davis' contributions to the association and the enduring service he gave to school-age students. To donate to the scholarship fund via credit or debit, please click this link or use the QR code below.
Make checks payable to "CASCWA Delta Sierra" and mail to: CASCWA Delta Sierra Section, P.O. Box 565, Woodland, CA 95776.
For all donation methods, please note, "Richard C. Davis Scholarship", to ensure the funds are directed correctly.
14th Annual SCOE & CASCWA Attendance Certification and Mental Health Training Workshop CASCWA’s San Joaquin Section recently held their 14th Annual SCOE & CASCWA Attendance Certification and Mental Health Training Workshop. It was well attended and rewarding. We thank Sharma Uma for her write up on the event and for the pictures below: |
Other Southern Section CASCWA Events Mark your calendar for February 7, 2025 for the Annual Phil Kauble Workshop to be held in Temecula, CA! The San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools office is hosting two upcoming workshops. Click on the flyers below: Student Discipline Workshop Flyer Student Records Workshop Flyer |
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE JULY 2024 Prepared by Sherman Garnett CASCWA Legislative Representative Click here: for Sherman's July Legislative Update (Look for the next update in October) |
Never, Never, Never! It seems like everyday, our members and friends receive fake, bogus emails! Many requests are for money payments or gift cards. Dr. Kevin Torosian is now our past state president. He has asked us to post information reminding you that our CASCWA organization never asks for money, gift cards or any thing that has the scent of a bogus fake transaction. If you receive one, please forward it to your state president at rdriegs@gmail.com. |
Interested in becoming a CASCWA Board Member? There is always a great deal of CASCWA enthusiasm following a state conference and at the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in serving on one of our four section executive boards, please send an email to Jeni Mendel at jenifermendel53@gmail.com. |
The CASCWA Bay Section Executive Board is be commended for a great 2024 State Conference. Words cannot express the incredible conference. The sessions were of quality and the entire event exceeded expectations! Thanks to Jennifer Kottke, we have managed to place a large number of pictures in seven pictorial mini-intercoms on the websites "State Conference Home page" at: CASCWA - State Conference (wildapricot.org) |